Thursday, October 3, 2013

Something new

October 3, 2013

You've started making the best sound ever - its like a really high pitched squeal. You keep doing it just to hear it again yourself. I love it. It is my favorite.
You are learning so many new things so fast. Just this week you've started grabbing at and holding onto objects, really embracing and rocking out tummy time (you always HATED it before now), and now this new awesome screech owl noise. You love to "stand up" in our laps and you are keeping your head pretty steady. You also can move your head from side to side to look at things now.

In not so fun news, we think you have a virus called "Roseola" - its not serious, but you have a red rash around your face, neck, and back, a bit of diarrhea, and your lymph nodes are swollen. You are sleeping a lot during the day and want to eat more often than usual. Hopefully you don't develop a fever or any other more serious symptoms. Unfortunately, there isn't anything we can do except wait it out. I hope it passes soon - nothing makes me feel more helpless than you feeling bad and me not being able to help. You are still mostly happy when you're awake, and during those times, I try to give you lots of cuddles and some quality visual and auditory stimulation.

We haven't really stuck to any nap time routine since you just sleep for a good portion of the day, but we did listen to music while I worked on my homework tonight. You liked "I Heard Ramona Sing" by Frank Black.

I toyed with the idea of naming you Ramona... but only for a bit - you were always gonna be Winifred Zuzu.

Love ya Bug!
