Thursday, October 10, 2013

Long baby is long

October 11th, 2013

Hey Winifred,

We went to the post office yesterday to mail the diaper covers I recently sold (there was one brand I bought early on that I hated from the beginning and you only wore a couple times). Hopefully, the mom who bought them likes them better than I did. When we were there, a lady asked how old you were... she guessed 5 or 6 months...

She was pretty surprised when I told her you'd be 3 months on Sunday...

(Those feet!)

You are so big, we kind of missed the window on the Bumbo seat. I got it out a couple days ago to see how you liked it, and you got kind of stuck in it. We took it back to Target as it was still in the box (I kept stuff in the box that you were too small to use), and it seemed silly to keep if you had already outgrown it. You wouldn't have used it too often anyway... you are still very much a snuggler and hate to be put down for more than a few minutes. I am totally cool with that - I will hold you for as long as you'll let me.

P.S. - I also think you might be cutting a tooth.. already.

Love ya Bug!
