Thursday, October 10, 2013

A lovin' spoonful

October 11th, 2013

Hey Winifred,

Your nap schedule has gone off the rails since you were feeling bad, so we haven't had a very consistent nap time music selection for a few days. Though, I did try singing a song from "Mary Poppins" to you today while you were fussy.

It didn't help. But, Poppins is still the shit.



Long baby is long

October 11th, 2013

Hey Winifred,

We went to the post office yesterday to mail the diaper covers I recently sold (there was one brand I bought early on that I hated from the beginning and you only wore a couple times). Hopefully, the mom who bought them likes them better than I did. When we were there, a lady asked how old you were... she guessed 5 or 6 months...

She was pretty surprised when I told her you'd be 3 months on Sunday...

(Those feet!)

You are so big, we kind of missed the window on the Bumbo seat. I got it out a couple days ago to see how you liked it, and you got kind of stuck in it. We took it back to Target as it was still in the box (I kept stuff in the box that you were too small to use), and it seemed silly to keep if you had already outgrown it. You wouldn't have used it too often anyway... you are still very much a snuggler and hate to be put down for more than a few minutes. I am totally cool with that - I will hold you for as long as you'll let me.

P.S. - I also think you might be cutting a tooth.. already.

Love ya Bug!


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Something new

October 3, 2013

You've started making the best sound ever - its like a really high pitched squeal. You keep doing it just to hear it again yourself. I love it. It is my favorite.
You are learning so many new things so fast. Just this week you've started grabbing at and holding onto objects, really embracing and rocking out tummy time (you always HATED it before now), and now this new awesome screech owl noise. You love to "stand up" in our laps and you are keeping your head pretty steady. You also can move your head from side to side to look at things now.

In not so fun news, we think you have a virus called "Roseola" - its not serious, but you have a red rash around your face, neck, and back, a bit of diarrhea, and your lymph nodes are swollen. You are sleeping a lot during the day and want to eat more often than usual. Hopefully you don't develop a fever or any other more serious symptoms. Unfortunately, there isn't anything we can do except wait it out. I hope it passes soon - nothing makes me feel more helpless than you feeling bad and me not being able to help. You are still mostly happy when you're awake, and during those times, I try to give you lots of cuddles and some quality visual and auditory stimulation.

We haven't really stuck to any nap time routine since you just sleep for a good portion of the day, but we did listen to music while I worked on my homework tonight. You liked "I Heard Ramona Sing" by Frank Black.

I toyed with the idea of naming you Ramona... but only for a bit - you were always gonna be Winifred Zuzu.

Love ya Bug!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

(A very long lead-in to) Nap time music

October 1, 2013

Hey Winifred

You are a little over 11 weeks old now. You are the most perfect person on the face of the earth.
This is the first time since you were born that I've had a chance to write you. You encompass my days pretty substantially, and I love it. Taking care of you, observing how much you've grown, developed, and learned over the past 11 weeks has been the best experience I have ever had. I love you even more than I expected when we were sharing my body (which is a lot). I keep meaning to sit down and type out your birth story, but I know it will take awhile, and I just haven't found the time to commit to it. We'll get there.

You like to be held - pretty much all the time - I'm holding you now as you sleep. I do a lot of things one handed, like typing. Sometimes you lay in your crib, awake, and look up at your mobile and giggle and coo - for about 5-10 mins, and then you are ready to be held and entertained by me or Dad. You and Dad are still kind of in the "getting to know you" phase, but it is getting better. While he's at work, you spend all day with me, and sometimes it makes you sad when I have to give you to him so I can take a shower, work on homework, or use the bathroom. Now that you are becoming more aware of the world, you appreciate your Dad and his silly faces more everyday - you've started frantically looking for him when he comes home and you first hear his voice.

You sleep with us, in our bed, and you've been sleeping there through the night since about your second or third week of existence. Before you were born, I didn't think we would co-sleep, but once we laid your tiny body into that giant pack-n-play next to our bed and you cried, I picked you up, laid you next to me, and knew you'd be there for awhile. It did make me nervous for the first few days (I was so terrified that I or your Dad would roll on top of you), but once I read up on how to do it safely, and realized I awoke at every little noise or move you made, I felt like it was the best place for you.

I am breastfeeding you, and I love it. We hit a few snags, like two bouts of thrush and a tongue tie (which you had clipped at about 4 weeks - you did well, but it was pretty traumatic for your Dad and me), but we kept at it, and now we are pretty freaking pro. You wanted to eat about every 30 minutes - an hour for the first 10 weeks (and when you were cluster feeding, it was more like every 2 minutes), but we're closer to about every two hours now, which is an amazing difference. Looking down at you while you eat and knowing that I am giving you what you need to grow is an awesome feeling. Seeing you get bigger every week is proof that what I am doing is keeping you healthy. I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
You have never taken a liking to a pacifier, and that s O.K. with me. The few times we tried to give you one, you just spit it out, and who could blame you? I haven't pumped any milk for you yet, and I want to avoid giving you a bottle, but we are going to try cup feeding soon and we'll see how that goes. Since you're Dad makes it so I don't have to go to work, and I take online classes, I hardly ever have to be away from you, so feeding you from a bottle seems silly. Plus, in three more months, you'll be eating pureed veggies, and having breast milk immediately on hand won't be as big of an issue. I want us to keep breast feeding you until you are at least one, and I will let you decide when you are ready to wean.

You stayed with your Grams this weekend for a couple of hours while your Dad and I went to dinner. It was the first time we had left you for over a hour (you stayed with her once while we ran to the grocery store when you were about 7 or 8 weeks old). We took you over at nap time, so I thought you would sleep the whole time, but you decided sleep was not on the roster. Grams said you slept a bit and cried a bit, but you were awake for a good chunk of the time. We missed you a lot, and were glad when we got back and saw you and Grams taking a walk around her street. You seemed content to look at the trees (you love the outside), but you got fussy right as we pulled in.

You and I have a pretty solid routine during the day now. We wake up around 8AM (as Dad is getting up for work), I change your diaper, you eat, we say bye to Dad, and we go back to sleep around 8:30AM. We wake up again usually around 10:30AM and you eat again. We go back to sleep around 11AM and wake up again around 12:30PM (I know, right?). We change your diaper, you chill in your crib for awhile while I situate the dogs and maybe do some laundry (there is AWAYS laundry, especially your dirty cloth diapers), and then we play for a few hours. We read at least one book every day, and play on your play quilt, then we sing or just make faces at each other for awhile.
We change a few diapers here and there, eat a couple times, and then at 4, you get fussy, letting me know its time for your 4 o'clock nap. I get up, hold you close and bounce (you LOVE to bounce, but only a certain way - you are a very particular bouncer), and I sing to you until you fall asleep. You usually sleep about an hour - two hours. I generally try to do some homework during this time, but usually not unless something is due that day. I have to hold you in the rocker the whole time because if I lay you down, you wake up automatically and are usually cranky since you did not get a sufficient nap.
Then Dad is home. You eat, hang out with Dad for a bit, he and I either make dinner or he picks some food up on the way home and we eat. Then we usually watch some T.V. on Hulu or Netflix while we intermittently play with you/feed you/change you. Dad probably plays some video games at some point, and sometimes we might run an errand or two. You take a few cat naps in there too. We all go to bed between 10:30PM and 1AM. On the weekends, we spend a lot of time running around and seeing family so the weekend schedule is a bit different.

Everyone loves you - all of our family and our friends think you are the absolute best thing ever - I can't disagree. You are surrounded by so much awesome (and you give quite a bit of awesome off, yourself).

This was intended to be a much shorter posting about what songs I sing to you when its nap time, but it turned into more of a "life thus far" post. That happens to me a lot when I write - I get carried away. You're still asleep, and I typed this all one handed. I probably could have typed your birth story during this time...
Ah well, this is important stuff too.

Today you were sung to sleep by The Shins "New Slang."

Yesterday it was "Over at the Frankenstein Place" from the movie "Rocky Horror Picture Show," which is a film I am sure you'll come to know and love.

I am going to try to put all the songs I sing you here each day. I just sing whatever song pops into my head at the time, so it could be interesting.

Ok, the dogs are being loud, which means you are most likely about to stir, so I shall say goodbye my dear.

Goodbye My Dear,

Monday, September 30, 2013


Hey Winifred

Today I moved all the notes I had written you from Tumblr to Google's Blogger site. Something about Tumblr was weirding me out...maybe it was all the porn.

Kisses, Booger

Friday, June 28, 2013

Out of Town

June 2012
Hey Winifred
Your Dad is out of town this week for work. I’m kind of a wreck. We really haven’t spent any length of time apart longer than a night over the past 9 years. We knew this would be a part of his new position at work, and we know it will be something that continues to happen a few times a year. Its still really hard for me to be without him. I have so many things I should be doing (like writing a pretty substantial paper which is due in two days and is worth half my grade), but I am having such a hard time staying focused. I miss him so much.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


May 2013
Hey Winifred,
It probably is not the best idea to squirt oneself in the face with pesticides while pregnant. I don’t think any got in my mouth, so that’s a plus.
I need to learn to be more patient, but the idea of fleas in the house was making my skin crawl, and your Dad wasn’t here to apply the meds to all the pets. I am guessing there are probably worse things I’ve ingested or otherwise absorbed while I’ve been pregnant, but I’m still a little uneasy.
By far the worst thing about being pregnant has been all the things I am supposed to avoid. I hate being helpless in certain seemingly asinine situations (like bending over too far, or climbing up on a step stool, or painting, or carrying things over 35 pounds, or putting flea medication on my pets…).
You only have about three more weeks of cooking to do, so here is to hoping you don’t come out with anything weird. 
Love ya, kid

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Oh Yeah

May 2013
Hey Winifred!
Sometimes I forget how awesome your Dad and I are. Then I remember. You are gonna be one hell of a kid. 


Wednesday, April 10, 2013


April 2013 

Hey Winifred.
I’m fairly certain that being pregnant has made me clinically insane.

Monday, April 8, 2013


April 8, 2013
Hey Winifred.
This is how much swag you have presently. I started collecting stuff about 6 months before you were even conceived, and this is what I have accumulated 6 months into your baking process. You also have quite a few things at your Nana and Papaw’s house as well as some bigger things here, like your Mamaroo bouncer, your stroller, car seat, and some room decor items like a your star wars planetarium and light saber night lights. I didn’t realize how much I had collected until I laid it all out last night… 
You also have some legos. 
Hey Winifred
This is how much swag you have presently. I started collecting stuff about 6 months before you were even conceived, and this is what I have accumulated 6 months into your baking process. You also have quite a few things at your Nana and Papaw’s house as well as some bigger things here, like your Mamaroo bouncer, your stroller, car seat, and some room decor items like a your Star Wars planetarium and light saber night lights. I didn’t realize how much I had collected until I laid it all out last night… 
You also have some legos. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

The random occurrence of events that would ultimately result in your existence

April 2013

Hey Winifred.
I hope you always know how much your Dad and I love each other. I hope its never a secret. I hope you can see it everyday. I hope you never forget or have to be reminded. I hope it never grosses you out or makes you uncomfortable. I hope you can look at us and know that our love is the kind of love you ultimately want to have in your own life. Your Dad is hands down the most important person to me in the entire world and has been for the past 10 years. We turned into the people we are today together. I cannot imagine life without him. And that is why we love you so very much. Because we made you. You are the very best of us both. You are the result of the love we have for each other. You are the living, breathing, physical proof of us. 
I am not trying to get too mushy on ya, kid. But, everything I said is 100% true, and I hope that by now you know it. 
That leads me to this: the story of how your Dad and I met - or maybe more important to you, how you would eventually come to exist. 
I was 17 (Yes, I was 17, and though its hard for me to admit it, sometimes 17 is old enough). Your Dad was 24 (Yes, he was 24 - 7 years older than me numerically but probably on the same level of maturity). 
(As a quick aside, I am not advocating you hooking up with some dude that is seven years older than you when you are technically still a teenager and therefore a minor; however, in our case it worked out splendidly. We are, however, a slim minority. I am not going to kick some dude out the door for being older than you - just be careful.. and maybe bring him by for  dinner so we can make sure he’s a bad enough dude to be dating “Freddy the Zuz” (this is your Dad’s new badass nickname for you - I approve on account of its being both catchy and hardcore). Okay?)
It was the spring of 2003. I had only recently gotten my driver’s license and I was driving around the city of Knoxville as much as I could afford to pay for the gas (then it was only about a dollar a gallon so it wasn’t super hard to afford). I was in a band with my only serious high school ex-boyfriend Jay (we had only recently stopped dating after a period of 2 years) and another of my longtime high school friends Jon. We were called “The Model Citizenz” (yes, spelled with a “z,” we were that hardcore). I sang and played guitar, Jay was on drums, and Jon played bass. We made a demo with a couple of original songs and were looking to try to get in to play some shows anywhere that might take us.
A couple weeks before we made up our demo, I had made pseudo friends with a guy named Arrison at a show I had recently attended at a skatepark. I went there to see a friend of mine’s band play in a battle of the bands and ended up really liking another band that was playing in the battle called “Next to Never.” Arrison was a friend of theirs and as it turns out, was one of the founders of a small local record label called “El Deth.” He noticed I was enjoying Next to Never’s set and came over to give me the address of the label’s website so I could find out more about them (he wrote it down on the back of a flyer for a strip club.. I still have it somewhere…). I took it, and engaged in some awkward conversation for a few minutes, and after arriving home that night, I checked out the site. It had some music on it as I recall, but it also had a message board (a place people could go and talk (type) to each other about things related to the bands/label and shows that might be coming up). It was pretty much just the bands’ circle of friends getting together to talk online when they weren’t hanging out in real life. I chimed in on a couple of threads, but mostly I just lurked and read other people’s posts. 

OK, so, through this site, I found out about another show that Next to Never was going to be playing at a bar in the Old City in Knoxville. I somehow convinced my parents to let me go (I’m pretty sure I may have flubbed the truth a bit… never do that), and I took Jon, Jay, and my best friend Jennifer along with me. I got super cute-ed up. I can still remember what I wore - a long sleeved black velvet dress with leopard print collar and cuffs, white and black striped tights, and black patent leather (fake) sneakers I bought from a second hand store (sadly, I have no photographic proof of this). My hair was back in a ponytail as it was, at the time, really long (about 4 inches below my shoulders) and dyed red. I had a pension for picking out clothing that was both adorable/weird, but it worked (I’ve mostly toned it down since then… mostly). As the four of us were walking in (this happened to be an all ages show, or we would not have gotten to go), two guys held the door open for us. One of them was wearing a black toboggan and had shoulder length dark hair sticking out from underneath. That particular guy looked at us and said, “What, are you guys like, in a band or something?” I kind of smirked and kept walking. I am pretty sure Jay or Jon told him we in fact were in a band, and the four of us continued on our way. It would not be later until that I would realize that tobogganed gent was, in fact, your Dad. 
Did I mention that I looked way cute that night? Apparently I looked so cute, I attracted a gentleman suitor, but he did not actually say anything to me at the show. We were there for a good long while (much past curfew), and we left after having had much fun and having listened to some much appreciated  music. After arriving home, I got on the El Deth message boards to lurk and perhaps post a review of the show. Nothing eventful. The next day, I once again lurked the page to find I had a private message. It was from previously mentioned suitor who was all in a kerfluffle over how freaking adorable I was. He said he had seen me at the show and had somehow figured out who I was on the boards (my screen name was LaLaLauren). We sent a few messages back and forth. He seemed like a nice guy. We, as was custom for early 2000 era suitors and suitees, arranged to meet at the mall. 
I think it is important for you to know at this juncture that this dude was not your Dad. It was some other tall, skinny, dude with long hair and glasses. 
So, we meet at the mall (I did not tell my parents I was going to meet some older dude whom I had never actually met in real life at the mall… at least I had the sense to meet up in a public place). I cannot remember what I wore that day, but it probably had something to do with patterned tights and a slip (I had a serious thing for Courtney Love). We talked, maybe held hands, and we then proceeded to date for a couple weeks. During those two weeks, we hung out a few times. I did eventually tell my mom about him but I never brought him around to meet her. He seemed pretty interested in me. We talked on the phone a lot and on something called “AOL Instant Messenger” quite a lot (think text messages, but on the computer and people have individual screen names instead of phone numbers - mine was “iwaslilies” after a song lyric I wrote (yeah, I know, how very teenage angst/egomaniacal of me)). This guy liked me so much he felt like he had to talk to me on AOL Instant Messenger when he went to a late night party at a friends house. At said party, instead of signing into his own account to contact me, he used the account of the person whose house the party was being held. He added my screen name to this person’s friends list. He contacted me using this person’s screen name, “XevilXveganX”. After I established who he was, we talked for a few minutes - not long. 
The following day, I am on the computer, doing whatever I did before lolcats and facebook, and I get a message from this XevilXveganX person. Its not my suitor/boyfriend/whatever that guy was to me at the time - its the owner of the account he had signed into to talk to me. Suitor guy had added my screen name to this person’s friends list. (At that time, one would see all the people added to ones friends list who were logged on at the same time you were logged on - we’re talking very high tech stuff here.)
“Who is this?” XevilXveganX asks.
“This is Lauren,” I reply, “Who is this?”
“This is Bill.” 
We begin talking. We talk a little bit over the course of the next few days. Within that time, my band gets a show at a place called “Ivy’s.” I’m pretty sure we would have been too young to get in if we were not in the band. We were playing with a couple other El Deth bands and we had a set of 4 songs ready - 2 originals and 2 covers (Nirvana’s “About a Girl,” which we sped up into a kind of punk rock version, and the Pixies “Where is my mind?,” which Jon sang lead on). The Model Citizenz had uploaded our original songs onto the El Deth website, and Bill really liked us. (He would later tell me he was a pretty hard core advocate for us on local music websites’ message boards - touting me as “The best singer in Knoxville.” - awe.). Bill told me he would come to our show and would bring me some mixed CDs. 
At this time, I was still dating suitor guy. He came to the show. Our band played three of our four songs (the Pixies cover got dropped due to time constraints). I dropped my guitar at one point on stage - while playing. The strap broke. It was embarrassing, but I quickly recovered. (Unfortunately no pics or videos of this event exist that are in my possession.) Afterward, I hung out with suitor guy and left to go home around 12AM (past curfew). On my way out the door, a guy with shoulder length dark hair approached me, bowed, and handed me three CDs in paper sleeves. I think we exchanged a few awkward words, but I don’t remember what they were. I helped my band mates pack up our stuff. I said goodbye to suitor guy. I left. 
Maybe it was the next day, maybe a few days later, I got a message from Bill. He had been in a pretty serious car accident the night prior (or maybe a few nights prior) and needed someone to drive him to take pictures of his damaged car which was sitting in a car impound lot in Oak Ridge. (He wasn’t seriously injured but had some minor injuries like a possible concussion and damage to his spleen.) I agreed to come to his house in West Knoxville (a 30 minute drive from my parents’ house) and drive him out to Oak Ridge (a 20 minute drive from West Knoxville). (I once again lied to my parents about where I was going… again, don’t do this.) I picked him up, we drove to the impound lot, he took pictures, and then we went out for Chinese at a place called “China Wok”. He ate there a lot because he, at the time, worked nearby. He paid. We talked a lot about Lord of the Rings for which we were both pretty much big fans (“The Fellowship of the Ring” had come out not too long before that - I had seen it 9 times in the theatre, he had seen it 3 or 4). We came back to his house, and he convinced me to hang out for awhile longer and watch “The Last Dragon”. It was one of the few DVDs he owned. We sat next to each other on the futon in his bedroom. The whole time I kept wishing he would “make a move.” He never did. I went home after the movie. This was April 18th, 2003 (We still celebrate this day as our first date).  
I was still technically dating suitor guy. I found out a bit later Bill was also talking to a girl who was out of the country, but they had mutually agreed to start dating when she returned in a few weeks (maybe months?). 
We hung out again shortly thereafter - watched “The Fellowship of the Ring” on DVD. After he walked me to my car that evening, we kissed for the first time ever. 
Suitor guy had inexplicably disappeared. He stopped calling. He stopped messaging. I got an e-mail from him a few weeks later saying some crap about how he wasn’t ready for this… blah.. blah.
I didn’t care. I was in love with Bill - I was in love with your Dad. 
And he was in love with me too. He told me a few days later. And I told him the same. 
It was hard for him over the next few months. We went through a couple of weeks without wach other. He had just come out of a relationship that did not end well. He wasn’t fully ready for what was happening between us. After we had been together for about 6 months, he went to spend some time with his friend Chris in Colorado. He was gone for a little over a month. We stayed in contact the whole time. When he came back, he moved into his mom’s garage apartment. I also moved in a little at a time over the course of the next few weeks. We’ve been here ever since (your Grams eventually moved out and sold us the house right after we were married - we rented it from her for a few months prior). 
And so, kiddo. That is the story of how your Dad and I came to co-exist. It was a random string of coincidences that lead to the best thing that has ever happened to me. 
Your Dad and I love you, and we love each other. And I hope you know that now and always. 

P.S. - In case you are wondering why I am not currently famous, the band pretty much ceased to be after the infamous Ivy’s show. I used “band practice” as a convenient excuse to my parents about why I was gone so much in the evenings (I was really with your Dad). The Model Citizenz eventually just stopped getting together. Its a funny thing that happens when you are really happy - it becomes kind of hard to write good music. We later (like 8 years later) tried to get back together. Mostly, we just hung out and talked about how awesome we were back in the day and how awesome it would be if we were to start playing shows again.

Oh, and I totally forgot how to play guitar. 

Our song

April 5th, 2013

Hey Winifred.
Your Dad and I consider this “Our song.” It became that pretty early on.

"The Weather" - Built to Spill
Do you want in to the outside, in the cool night, where the stars gravitate toward you.
Do you want in to the outside, in the cool night, where the fog wraps itself around you.
Do you want in to the outside, in the sunshine, where the clouds take their places for you.

And the wind and snow, and the rain that blows; none of those would matter much
without you.
As long as it’s talking with you, talk of the weather will do.

Do you want in to the outside, in the cool night where the stars gravitate
toward you.
Do you want in to the outside, in the sunshine where the song keeps itself
inside you.

And the wind and snow, and the rain that blows; none of those would matter much
without you.

Nobody’s hoping for better days;
Noone knows what to do.
You’re okay in your secret place,
Noone bothering you.

It might save time if I meet you there,
but I don’t care, I’d rather wait for you .

When noone’s home and the weather’s fine,
I’d rather wait for you

When noone’s home and the weather’s fine,
I’d rather wait for you.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Gee Whiz, Kid!

April 4, 2013

Hey Winifred. 
It feels like you are rehearsing a song and dance number in there right now… you must have liked the quiche. 

P.S. - You finally allowed your Dad to feel you kick yesterday. He was quite happy. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


April 3, 2013

Hey Winifred
I made a quiche at 11 PM. It was delicious. That is all.

Hey Winifred.
I made a quiche at 11 PM. It was delicious. That is all.  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Your room (and other home improvement hijinks)!

April 2, 2013
Hey Winifred
We worked on your room today (or as our friends Lesley and Daisy called it, your “baby lair”). We picked out the colors according to this color pallet:
We decided to do horizontal stripes of the all colors (minus the dark brown since the floors are soon to be dark, and we thought the two colors might clash) on one wall and paint the remaining walls the yellow color. Speaking of Daisy and Lesley, they came over to help us paint - it took about three coats, plus some touch ups, but we finished with the yellow in a few hours. I have to admit, I was not crazy about he color at first, but it is slowly growing on me (I immediately toyed with changing it, but as of now, I’m pretty sure I want to keep it - with some possible adjustments to break up the color). We have yet to paint the stripes as we have to wait for the paint to dry before we can tape off the stripe pattern. We have quite a few things left to do before we are finished, such as:
- paint the stripes
- paint the doors, closet door trim, and window trims
- paint the insides of the two closets
- install the new flooring
- install and paint new baseboards and door trim
- I am also toying with the idea of installing board and batten on the walls which are not covered in stripes (this was my idea to break up the color.. I have yet to run this idea by your Dad…)
So, obviously we still have quite a lot to do before you exit the womb. 
I have to admit I am running your Dad through the house repair/improvement gamut. I just feel like everything has to be perfect for you. I am probably being a bit crazy… I’m being fairly crazy… I’m acting like a f*cking clinically insane person. 
"We" (your Dad and some of our friends/your Uncle) started by adding a walk in closet. It took awhile as "we" had to put up a new wall and tear out and reconstruct three walls and a ceiling with drywall (they were all formerly covered with paneling - we are not fans of the paneling - its the lazy/very unstylish man’s wall covering). Then "we" had to install lighting and an electrical outlet (curtesy of our electrically trained friend Jeff), install base boards and window trim, install new flooring, and paint the walls/ceiling and previously mentioned trims.
After that was more or less complete (its presently acting as storage for things we need to move around as we paint - it doesn’t actually have any clothes or other “closet things” in it), we began painting. We started with the living room - it was a burnt orange color, but I felt like it was too dark and really limited our selection in decor - its now a color called “ginger root”, its a lot brighter and I love it. Our friends Daisy, Lesley, Tim, and Shannon helped out with this task (its awesome having so many people who are willing to help out).
… And, today we worked on your lair. I was pretty low on the energies today as I haven’t been sleeping super well the past few nights. Your Dad, on the other hand, has pretty much been a huge glowing ball of energies. He is presently (its almost 11:00 PM) working on building a box to put the new air conditioning duct inside…  
So, “we” are also moving the air conditioning intake duct. It is currently in the floor in the living room and is a huge hassle when arranging furniture/ I recently found out the dogs apparently think its cool to pee in it. We also don’t want you to have to learn to navigate around it once you are mobile as it will no doubt hurt your little baby knees. We are moving it to the front of the house and putting it in the wall. Your Dad thinks he can do it himself… he’s watched many an online tutorial - I’m pretty confident he can do it… we will find out soon. 
"We" still have to finish your room, paint the hall, paint the trim in the bedroom and the bathroom, and possibly paint the front room (your Dad now thinks I am crazy for wanting to do this as I just repainted it last year, but the color (dandelion yellow) feels like too much and is not matching the color flow of the rest of the house). Eh. We’ll see. I might change my mind. I do that quite a lot these days. "We" then get to install the new flooring (well, we are having a professional install it), finish the closet, build and install book/DVD shelves, install a TV wall mount, buy a new sofa and area rug, and possibly paint the kitchen and laundry room… 
…all in the next three months… 
Its needless to say, our weekends are pretty full, but It will all be worth it -  that is, if I can ever make up my mind about paint colors.
P.S. - (Yeah, we’ll keep that up.) It seems like I always intend to sit down and only type up a few words here, but I end up almost writing enough for a short story… I’m insanely wordy when it comes to the writing… not so much in conversation… I’ve always been that way. And I’m doing it again now. 
An aside from the aside, you’ve been wiggling around quite a lot this evening - it feels so strange, like little bubbles popping on my insides… keep it up kiddo. (Your Dad has yet to feel you move, you always stop when he tries to feel for you - we’ll keep it between us for now.)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Peanut Butter. nom.

March 30, 2013
Hey Winifred
Apparently, you really like peanut butter. I’ve so far eaten about a half cup today. Sadly, it’ll be awhile before you’ll be able to have some post womb - as you could potentially be allergic. Hopefully that will not be the case as I am pretty sure your Dad’s blood may be part peanut butter (the man loves his PB&J sandwiches). 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Kicking like that one guy who kicks stuff (part two)

March 26, 2013
Hey Winifred
Holy freaking crap.
I just felt you kick for the first time from the outside! I was trying to find you with this doppler thing I got to monitor your heartbeat (I use it when I haven’t felt you squirming in a few days.), and as soon as I found you, you kicked so hard that you moved the monitor up…
I wasn’t sure what it was at first… until you did it again!
Hopefully you’ll be up to doing it again when your Dad comes home… he’ll be so excited since he’s been saying he’s been able to feel you since about the 10th week…
Good. Day.
I love ya, kid.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

"#1 must have"

March 24th, 2013

Hey Winifred
I’m feeling like I’m probably going to be putting a lot of music here. Only the really important stuff though (which is kind of a lot).

“#1 Must Have” – Sleater Kinney
Bearer of the flag from the beginning

Now who would have believed this riot grrrl’s a cynic
But they took our ideas to their marketing stars
and now i’m spending all my days at
Trying to buy back a little piece of me
(Everywhere you go they say “Hello,
weren’t you the one that sold your soul?”
Every time you leave the say “Oh no,
why did you ever let us go?”)

And i think that I sometimes might have wished
for something more than to be a size six
But now my inspiration rests
in-between my beauty magazines and my
credit card bills

I’ve been crawling up so long on your
stairway to heaven
And now i no longer believe that i wanna get in
And will there always be concerts where
women are raped
watch me make up my mind instead
of my face

The number one must have is
that we are safe
(Everywhere you go teenage
is the rage
inside your pants
and on the front page
EVerywhere you go it’s die or be born
if you can’t decide then
it’s your own war)

No more
and for the ladies out there i wish
we could write more than the next
marketing bid
Culture is what we make it
yes it is
now is the time
to invent